Italy Corps, introduction to Afrika Korps large campaign
The performance of the Italian armed forces during the Second World War has been the butt of jokes for over 70 years. However, the notion that the Italian military fought poorly and surrendered readily is not exactly true as there are examples of Italian forces fighting quite successfully and bravely. But the widespread belief seemed to be that the Italians were cowards, with disasters such as the ineffective fighting in North Africa used as evidence. While these and other military mistakes by Italy do stand out, these debacles were not due to soldiers' cowardice: what the Italian military lacked during their offensive campaigns was not bravery, but modern weaponry and good leadership, along with a clear lack of desire to achieve Mussolini's goals. When the poorly led Italian troops were used in conjunction with, or under German forces, they fought considerably better.
Italy Corps starts in 1940 in North Africa during the Border Raids. In my opinion, the official Afrika Korps' grave error was to let the opportunity pass by to include scenarios before the Afrika Korps' debut under the command of Rommel and thus to deny Italian units from gaining experience. This might be a reason why Italian units are disbanded or remain undeployed during the course of that campaign.
Italy Corps contains the following scenarios - British Raid, Fort Capuzzo, Nezuet Ghirba, Frontier Wire, Sollum, Buqbuq, Sidi Barrani, Operation Compass and Beda Fomm. After Beda Fomm, the campaign continues in Afrika Korps.
1) Back-up the Panzer Corps/Data folder before proceeding
2) Extract the rar file in either
for the Steam version of Afrika Korps
\Slitherine\ (or wherever you have installed Panzer Corps)
for the non-Steam version of Afrika Korps
3) Start the game, chose Afrika Korps and start playing Italy Corps, the 9 scenario campaign prior to the Afrika Korps campaign.